Everything in this living world needs re-energizing, cleansing and an overall maintenance every once in a while or often, our body accumulates toxins because of bad diet, poor exercise and lifestyle choices and needs to detoxify from time to time to keep healthy. Panchkarma does the same to your body in an effective and long lasting way. Ayurveda teaches you to live life in a balanced manner. It provides you with the correct procedures you should follow for a disease free life or the one that requires minimum medical intervention in your life. Panchkarma has five different procedures that are decided once a consultation is done with the patient because the best part of panchkarma is that it is purely a custom-made treatment which is performed according to individual needs.

Panchakarma is a method of cleansing the body of all the unwanted waste after lubricating it. Panchakarma are 5 (five) in number; hence the term PANCHA (five) – KARMA (procedures). Panchakarma treatment is unique in the sense that it includes preventive, curative and promotive actions for various diseases.

There are five types of procedures in the panchkarma therapy. These include:

The Panchakarma purifying procedure affects an individual in multiple ways.According to Ayurveda, great well being depends on our ability to completely process all parts of life, absorbing what supports and letting out rest. When we can’t properly digest our food, experiences, and feelings, toxins aggregate in our bodily tissues, causing imbalance and making you prone to disease. Panchakarma is an exquisite purging procedure that discharges stored toxins and reestablishes the body’s natural healing ability.

VAMANA-(EMESIS) - Therapeutic vomiting

also known as emesis therapy this procedure consists of therapeutic vomiting detoxifying your gut and lungs.  Vamana is intended for the removal of Kapha Dosha. However, this is not to be adopted in mere Kapha only but, necessary for when of Kapha’s conjunction with one dosha or with both other doshas. Before inducing vamana the toxins and vitiated doshas are brought to amashaya or stomach with various preparatory methods like snehana and swedana. The emesis should never be induced in empty stomach. Vamana therapy is conducted in early hours of day, when kapha dosha is dominant. Vitiated doshas and accumulated toxins are expelled through methodically induced emesis. Patient is required to be relaxed calm and devoid of any mental Stress through out the therapy. After emesis therapy, patient is gradually rehabilitated to regular diet and lifestyle. In Ayurveda Vamana has been described as the treatment which helps to throw out the doshas or the toxins out of the body from upper part in the form of induced vomitings.

Purgation Therapy (Vireka, Virechan, herbal laxative therapy)

Purgation Therapy, in this therapeutic laxative is used to set the right balance of gallbladder, liver and small intestine.  Virechan is the cleansing of the pitta and the purification of the blood toxins. Generally, it is administered three days after the Vamana treatment. If Vamana therapy is not needed, Virechan can be administered directly. Virechan cleanses the sweat glands, small intestine, colon, kidneys, stomach, liver, and spleen. A number of fine herbs are used as a laxative. These include senna, prune, bran, flaxseed husk, dandelion root, psyllium seed, cow's milk, salt, castor oil, raisins and mango juice. When taking these laxatives, it is important to adhere to restricted diet. Vireka is used for treatment of skin diseases, chronic fever, piles, abdominal tumors, worms, gout, jaundice, gastrointestinal problems, constipation, and irritable bowel syndrome.

Basthi Karma:

Basthi karma is expelling body toxins and vitiated doshas by introduce medicated liquids or oils through anus, urethra or vaginal canal. Basthi means urinary bladder. In ancient times the enema apparatus used to be made up of urinary bladder of animals. Hence this detoxification process is called Basthi karma.

Basthi karma is mainly used in vata dominant diseases. Basthi karma is usually performed after the first two detoxification process namely vamana and virechana or only after virechana. After completing preparatory procedures (snehana, swedana), patient is allowed to lie on his left side and medicated oil or herbal decoction is administered under hygienic conditions. Patient has to lie on his back for 10-15 minutes after basthi is given. There are two types of Basthi Anuvasana basthi and Niruha basthi.

Anuvasana basthi:

In anuvasana basthi medicated oil is introduced through anus, immediately after the consumption of food. There will be no harm even if medicated oil remains inside colon for a long time. This type of basthi nourishes and strengthens the body.

Niruha basthi:

In this type of basthi (also known as asthapana basthi) an enema of herbal decoction is given. Niruha basthi is administered in empty stomach. The administered decoction has to come out from body within 45 minutes. The expelled herbal decoction brings out toxins and vitiated doshas along with it. Anuvasana basthi and Niruhabasthi are given alternatively . Patient is advised to take bath after herbal decoction is expelled. Unlike vamana and virechana , strict diet and lifestyle rehabilitation is not required after basthi karma, as basthi do not cause irritation in digestive system. But it is necessary to take light and nourishing food .

Nasya karma:

Nasya karma means administering drops of herbal liquid preparations or medicated oils through nose. This detoxification method is also known as Shirovirechana. Vitiated doshas and toxins which are accumulated in head and neck are expelled through nose and mouth along with nasal and oral secretions. As a preparatory procedure the head and face of patient is massaged with medicated oil (Administering medicated oil before nasya karma is not advised) and steam bath is given only to head and neck region. Patient is made to on his back with foot end elevated and head reclined. The medicated liquid or oil is administered in drops to both nostrils consecutively. Patient is advised to inhale the medicine slowly. After nasya karma the patient must avoid talking loudly, getting angry and laughing.


Raktamokshana is procedure to cleanse the blood and is advised only in very rare conditions. It is not advisable during general Panchakarma. Most Ayurveda Centers including ours do not offer Raktamokshana due to the high risk of infection involved in blood cleansing.

Leech therapy has shown drastic result in patients with Pain disorders, psoriasis, Eczema, Swelling and all other kind of Normal Skin infections. We have recently started RAKTMOKSHAN Treatments where many chronic diseases are treated by Leech Therapy. Leeches are 'worms' with suckers on each end. Leeches can range in size from a half of inch to ten inches long. They are brown or black in color. Some feed on decaying plant material. Others are parasites, feeding on blood and tissue of other animals.


Abhyanga ("oil massage")

Abhyanga ("oil massage") is a form of Ayurvedic therapy that involves massage of the entire body from the head to the toe with Dosha-specific warm herb-infused oil. The oil is commonly pre-mixed with herbs for specific conditions. Traditionally, the base oil used is sesame but, Ayurveda Professionals base the oil section on the Dosha type and hence herb oils like Ashwagandha oil, Mahanarayan oil, Bhringaraj oil, Brahmi oil and Neem oil can be used and in some cases to correct Kapha Dosha Almond Oil or corn oil might also be used.

Shirodhara: An Ayurvedic Approach to Stress Relief

Shirodhara is said to have relaxing, soothing, and calming effects on the body and mind. Research also suggests that shirodhara may help:
improve sleep quality
manage insomnia
lessen anxietyTrusted Source (when combined with yoga)
reduce stressTrusted Source

Keep in mind that most studies looking at the benefits of shirodhara have been pretty small, using only a handful of participants. Still, none of them suggest that the treatment has any negative effects.

Kizhi (Potli Massage)

Kizhi is an Ayurvedic treatment in which warm poultices filled with herbal oils, powders or medical concoctions are applied and massaged over the body. The natural healing herbs are crushed and bundled into muslin cloth to form boluses. ...
Key Benefits. 1) Alleviate doshas, pain and stiffness.

Anuvasana Vasti

Anuvasana Vasti is Enema Therapy using medicated oils. The colon is where Vata primarily resides and this procedure revitalizes the lower intestinal tract. Initially, intensive lower abdominal massages are given to the patient to loosen toxins and prepare the body for the detox procedure.